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Mixed feelings about collaboration?

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How to build incredible collaborative relationships at work*

*(even if you'd rather work alone)

"Everything you need to know to build healthy and productive collaborative relationships at work"

About the Book

Many people have mixed feelings about workplace collaboration. On the one hand, they know collaboration is essential to achieve complex goals. On the other hand, they know collaboration is a slog. People pull in different directions. There’s desperately little communication and even less follow through. One person ends up doing all the work. The result? Friction mounts. Projects fizzle. Great employees walk.

Here’s why: Very few of us ever receive any formal training in how to collaborate well. 

In Collabor(h)ate, Deb Mashek draws on her deep experience as a relationships researcher and collaboration facilitator to reveal everything you need to know to make workplace collaborations less painful and more productive.

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2022 â€‹


Many people have mixed feelings about workplace collaboration. On the one hand, they know collaboration is essential to achieve complex goals. On the other hand, they know collaboration is a slog.

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